The madcap and mysterious mayhem surrounding Der Mad Stampers missing medium!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Don & Gwen Accused!
They Defend Their Honor!

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This post was just received on the LBNA list by Don & Gwen - who recently were accused of being the culprits in the much-talked-about pilfered PZ Kut:

I plead 'NOT GUILTY!!!!

We have an iron clad alibi. Just check your facts Mr. Bacon.

The 'Whats New' section has us in the clear. Boy what a great bunch we have here, everyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts throwing accusations my way. History of run-ins indeed! I'm a pussycat and my history is free from MOST of your so called 'wicked deeds.'

This is just wonderful. We get back from a great little letterboxing trip, and the first thing I see this morning is our name being sullied on this list. The most hurtful was the reference to the 'Groover' story, which I might add, put me in the Rafting Hall of Infamy. The nuance was clear for all that know the story--"Don is full of S-it." I won't take these references lightly, nor will I stand by and be accused of stealing Der Mad Stamper's PZKut. While the white stuff is what I enjoy using, I would never steal 'all' of another carvers supply.

While I might have motive, the time and opportunity is lacking. Go crawl into some other corner Mr. Bacon and find your perp. If it is proof you need I can furnish a complete 'Found' and 'Planted' report from San Diego for the time of the theft. For the rest of you----SHAME on you!!!!! Just remember the guilty is among you and your kind.
